And me and my friends are gonna move to Canada, where we'll die of old age.
Or something like that.
Rhenquist died this weekend, which leaves not only a second Supreme Court opening, but Chief Justice at that. I saw a headline that suggested that Bush wants Roberts in that spot. I also read a new story that a Senator suggested that Sandy Baby stay on for another year in Rhenquist's spot, for the sake of stability and consistency while the first position is filled. I don't know if he intended it this way, but I interpreted that to say, "Have Sandra stay on, we'll fiddle around with this Roberts nomination, then take an equally long time for a CJ nomination, and by that time it might just be time for the next presidential election, and if a Democrat wins, s/he'll get to make the decision, and the Court won't be super conservative." All fine and dandy... but what if it's Jeb '08?
I think people fail to realize that it won't just be a conservative court while Bush is in office... This crap will last for decades. Granted, the other justices are all getting old enough to retire as well, but if it IS a red victory in 2008, we're looking at something really serious. And if a Democrat takes office in '08, we're still looking at the possibility that most if not all of the justices will stay on until another Republican is in office so that they know they'll be replaced with conservatives.
I am terrified. Really. I mean it.
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