Sunday, August 21, 2005

Another Sighting

I spotted him again a few nights ago. Midnight-thirtyish, Wal Mart. He walked in carrying two bags, no Taco Bell cup. After spending a few minutes in the store, I walked out and as I neared the doors, I saw him inside, leaning over a shopping cart that contained his cup.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

A New Step Towards McDonaldization

Driving into Eunice today I saw a billboard for McDonald's, proudly proclaiming, "Wireless Internet Available!" It blows my mind that people really think this is what we need.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Hey Mister Man

There is a man in Eunice. He stands very still, holding what appears to be a Wal-Mart bag and a large drink, most often a Taco Bell cup.

First sighting: July 5. Location: Taco Bell. We had just returned home from Austin, and Curt wanted to grab dinner before hitting the road. We ate in that night instead of drive through, and the man was sitting alone, not eating, with his bag and his drink.

Second sighting: Earlier this week. Location: Dairy Queen. Dana and I pulled up for a MooLatte, and there he was, standing outside, his usual possessions in hand.

Third sighting: Last night. Location: 3rd Street and Laurel intersection. Mom, Andre, and I spotted him, and I told them how I always see him. It was beginning to creep me out.

Fourth and final sighting: Tonight, midnight. Location: Taco Bell. I finished ordering and pulled up, not quite to the window. He stood directly outside my window, behind the building, cup and bag in hand.

Is he looking for money? Is he looking for a ride? Is he performing a social experiment, seeing how many people will avoid eye contact? Most importantly... what's in the bag?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I'm a realist. At least I try to be, though my reality is sometimes hazy. But I digress. I just theorized that maybe human life is as real as it gets, and if we can make everything imitate it, then everything is real. Whoa. Like, ok. A fetus. In its first few months, it grows more rapidly than it ever will again. Then when the baby is born, you've got to be really careful, really tender, pay a lot of attention to it. It gets older, you've got to fuss at it. It becomes a teenager, you've got to yell at it. But you also get to rough it up, you know, play football and things like that. But you still love it because it's something you have created and fostered. And like, compare all of that to a relationship. In the beginning you exert so much energy, saying the right things, being really careful, etc. Then in the middle you do the fighting, you know, the yelling. You might even neglect it, because you feel like it can take care of itself. And it may get roughed up, but you still love it, because it's yours, you've worked for it, it's special. And, I don't know, maybe that's as real as it gets.

Equality Ride

I own it, SUCKA.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Zero Hour

I completed my application for the Equality Ride. All that's left is my phone interview, which is supposed to take place in the next few days. For any of you not in the know (not that there are many of you reading this anyway), the ER is a bus trip across the country, 25-30 selected people spending one week each at seven schools, advocating against the schools' discriminatory policies for gays and lesbians. Would take time out of my school career, but I consider it way way way more than worth it. My parents are not for it.

Some thoughts on my mind lately (personal ones aside): the school system. moral responsibility. instilling UN ambassadors while Congress is on break. how to deal with internal problems in a political group that is not doing as much good as bad. capitalism.

New shirts to be made: "bitter," to be worn both alone as a personal assesment of character and with my brother's future "sweet" shirt, and "negative," to be worn both as a personal assesment of character and my to express my disagreement.

Motto of the week: the world has rendered me wrothful.

I will always type "my" where I mean to type "me" and vice versa.